Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre

Regional student reaches for the skies

By the QTAC Marketing Team

2022 Year 12 graduate Gwyneth will be making the big move from Port Douglas to Brisbane to follow her dream of becoming an airline pilot. Gwyneth received an offer from Griffith University for her first preference, the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)/Bachelor of Aviation. She said that what attracted her to that particular course was that it offered the engineering qualifications along with the aviation ones in the double degree. It was the actual course, more so than the university, that was most important to her. Although, if she had not got into her first preference, she was positive about the alternatives, “I would’ve still been excited to be going to uni and studying what interests me.” 


Gwyneth’s offer came in November 2022 as an early offer, before the major offer rounds in December. With the numbers of early offers1 being made by institutions in Queensland on the increase, receiving an early offer can be a great relief to students because it takes some of the pressure off during the final months of Year 12. Early offers are generally conditional, however, and students still have to focus on their final exams, meeting those course prerequisites, and getting good QCE results and their ATAR.  


There are always other opportunities, your ATAR isn’t everything. Just work hard, be organised and especially make sure you have fun.

When asked what motivated her during her senior studies Gwyneth replied, “the thought of retiring young and earning lots of money! She added, mYear 12 year was challenging and really busy at times, but also rewarding. I learned to prioritise well. can’t think of anything I’d change about my Year 12 year. While it had both good and bad moments but I made the most of the experience.

Gwyneth acknowledges her family as being her greatest support during Year 12. While regional students might face the challenge of more limited facilities and resources in their schooling, what comes through strongly from the student experience is that by staying at home during  Year 12,  students reap the benefits of that all-important support from family and their school community. 

As a hardworking, motivated and organised student, getting her black belt in judo during her senior school years is an achievement Gwyneth is particularly proud of. She was also able to make use of this sporting achievement in her QTAC application by applying for the Elite Athlete Adjustment Scheme. The scheme is one of many ways some institutions recognise the impact of an applicant’s sporting demands on their educational outcomes. This is usually done by adding adjustments to a student’s selection rank to help them meet the course threshold rank. 

Gwyneth is preparing for university and looking forward to meeting new people and learning about things that interest her. Her parting advice to other regional students who are looking to achieve well to follow reach their study goals, “take every opportunity.” 


If you have an inspiring and interesting story to share about how you (or someone you know) got to university or further study, or how your study went – we’d love to hear from you. 


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