Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre

So you’ve finished Year 12. Where to from here?

By the QTAC Marketing Team

Congratulations. No matter your pathway, achieving your ATAR and/or VET qualification is a significant achievement for those looking to study further after school.

To help you keep on track with your QTAC application and upcoming offer rounds we’ve put together a summary of some key information. 

Offer Round dates 

You may have already received an early offer, or early conditional offer, from an institution. Keep an eye out for further communications about what to do with that offer. If you’re a QTAC applicant waiting for your offer, the 23 December 2024 is the first offer round where current Year 12 applicants can be considered for an offer based on their ATAR. 

Please note:  Not all courses will be participating in this offer round. If your course isn’t offered in December, don’t worry as most courses will participate in the 16 January 2025 Offer Round. 

For information on individual institutions’ course offer dates and vacancies please refer to the institutions’ Course Offer Dates page. If you don’t get an offer on 16 January, you have the option to change your preferences and try for something different in the offer rounds throughout January and February 2025. 

What to do if you get your offer 

Make sure you respond to your offer by the date given with your offer. Remember, you may lose your offer if you allow your offer to expire, or if you receive a new offer for the same semester. The QTAC Offers webpage steps you through how to respond to your offer and how to log in to QTAC Application Services. 

Did you get the ATAR you had hoped for or needed? 

If you did, that’s great news!  It’s not long to wait now for offers to be released. 

If you are not sure that your ATAR will get you into your preferred course – don’t panic! You may still get an offer. Entry requirements for courses are made up of more than just ATARs and institutions’ minimum selection thresholds may not yet be decided. Play it safe, add in some back up courses and make sure you follow the QTAC preferencing advice. 

Check and change your preferences 

Now you have your QCE results and ATAR result, check the course entry requirements for your preferenced courses. If you don’t meet the prerequisites or minimum selection ranks, you may need to look at changing your preferences.  Just remember, you can only change your preferences for free, three times. 

Upgrading Pathways 

If you didn’t get the ATAR or the course offer you had hoped for by the January 16 offer round, there are many ways to achieve your goals. Check out the information on upgrading pathway options. There are many pathway options which can help you work towards getting into your dream course. This could involve bridging courses, upgrading via tertiary study or tertiary preparation courses to assist with gaining a higher rank and/ or meeting subject prerequisites.  

Non-ATAR pathways 

Did you know that you can gain entry into many institutions, for certain courses, without an ATAR? Using the standalone selection ranks that VET qualifications, such as Diplomas and Certificates, can give may be a great pathway into your dream course. Check the individual institutions and specific courses for entry requirements. 


What about improving your ATAR if you really need to get into the course you want? 

If pathways aren’t for you, then you can consider further year 12 study. See the Factsheet on Qualifying for a New ATAR for more detail. 


Need assistance with your application? 

The QTAC Customer Service team are experienced in helping applicants navigate through applications and to find suitable course options and pathways. 

Call us on 1300 467 822 

Or use the QTAC Contact form to send a message to us.


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