Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre

Admission Criteria

Learn what it takes to gain entry to an Institution of your choosing by understanding Admissions Criteria. When you’re able to meet criteria, there is nothing stopping you from applying to our tertiary institutions.

Meeting Admissions Criteria

Admission Criteria apply to each Course and vary from Course to Course and Institution to Institution. With one QTAC Application, you can apply to multiple Institutions. You will always have to meet Admissions Criteria to gain entry to a course. You can meet admissions criteria through meeting Eligibility and Merit requirements. If you’re worried you may not gain entry on these requirements, we’ve outlined the ways in which you can overcome any obstacle through to tertiary study to offer you ways to get in to tertiary by utilising Pathways, Bridging and Eligibity studies for example, to build on your Selection Rank.

Admissions Criteria, Eligibility and Merit

Admissions Criteria

Our Admissions Criteria focus on eligibility and merit. Eligibility checks if you meet the basics, while merit looks at your academic and extracurricular achievements. This helps us match you with the best courses, ensuring you are ready for your next challenge.


Eligibility refers to the minimum criteria required to apply for a course as set by the institution. Each institution sets its own admission criteria, which apply to every applicant for every course offered.

These criteria can vary between institutions but commonly include:

  • English language proficiency
  • Course quota (the estimated number of places available in a course)
  • Exclusion (whether you have previously been excluded from an institution; this might affect your application)
  • Age requirements
  • Prerequisites

Some courses require additional admission criteria like personal statements, questionnaires, portfolios, auditions, interviews, or tests, which may supplement or replace academic qualifications.

Institutions offer alternative pathways for applicants who don’t meet standard requirements. For details, visit the individual institution pages.

Competing for a place in Order of Merit

QTAC places all competing applicants in ‘order of merit’. This means applicants with the highest ATAR/selection rank are in the first offer, then applicants with the next highest ATAR/selection rank second etc.

By going down the ‘order of merit’, applicants receive offers until all the places are filled. There is a minimum selection threshold. This is the lowest ATAR/selection rank that can earn an offer.

The minimum selection threshold:

  • is not set in advance
  • can serve as a guide for future cut-offs
  • typically remains stable but can change
  • may vary across semesters and offer rounds within the same semester
  • reflects the course’s supply and demand (number of places, number of applicants, and applicant quality). It is not an indicator of course quality.


Common Eligibility Criteria 
To ensure you are ready for tertiary study, you will need to show adequate ability in using English.

You can demonstrate your English Proficiency by providing proof of your previous studies or qualifications, or padding a suitable English language test and send QTAC your results.

Please note this information is only for domestic applicants applying for courses through QTAC. For any international applicants or any applications for a direct-entry institution, please contact the relevant institution’s international student office for their English language requirements.

Important Note: You will need to take the academic version, not the general test. 

English Language Proficiency is the minimal requirement considered for any courses available through QTAC. This means you will need to demonstrate your ability to speak, read, write and comprehend English at a level suitable for any courses you intend to study.

Some courses, like education and nursing, have special requirements. They may need you to have finished your secondary studies or other qualifications in a specific country and in English. Please check the Institution requirements below for more details.

Where indicated, an institution will stipulate which particular types of study must be from an approved country. To determine which countries are approved, you will need to contact the institution directly.

English Language Proficiency Tests

You can demonstrate your English Proficiency by:

  • Providing proof of your previous studies or qualifications, or
  • Pass a suitable English language test (see the tests listed with links) and send QTAC your results. 

Important Note: You will need to take the academic version, not the general test. 

IELTS – International English Language Proficiency Testing System

ISLPR – International Second Language Proficiency Ratings

OET – Occupational English Test

Cambridge Assessment English – C1 Advanced/C2 Proficiency

STAT – Special Tertiary Admissions Test

PTE – Pearson Test of English

TOEFL – Test of English as a Foreign Language

A course quota is the number of places available in a course.

This represents the total number of students who can be admitted to a particular program each year. This quota helps ensure that all students receive the necessary resources and support for a quality education.

If you have been previously excluded from an institution, this may affect your eligibility when applying for particular courses.

Each application is assessed individually, and previous exclusions may be considered in the evaluation process. It’s important to provide all relevant details about your academic history to ensure we have a complete understanding of your background.

In Australian tertiary course applications, meeting the institution’s age requirements is important.

These requirements ensure that applicants fall within the specified age range accepted by the institution for admission purposes.

A prerequisite for your application may involve completing any required subjects or qualifications specified by the institution before you apply for the course.

These prerequisites need to be fulfilled prior to submitting your application for your chosen course and included in your application

Some courses will require you to submit extra elements to your application. 

Examples of these types of courses are Health & Welfare, Education and Creative & Performing Arts

Additional elements required for your application may be personal statements, questionnaires, portfolios, auditions, interviews, or tests. These elements can be considered instead of, or along with, your academic qualifications – please contact the institution for further information.

Read More about extra elements to include in your application

Eligibility Circumstances

You are classified as a current Year 12 student until the March following your graduation.
Current Year 12 students

Current Year 12 students are considered for an offer based on their ATAR/Selection Rank (or other recognised qualifications undertaken while at school).

Current International Baccalaureate (IB) students are assigned a selection rank based on the score from the completed IB Diploma. 

Current New Zealand NCEA Level 3 students completing the New Zealand National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3 will have an Interstate Transfer Index (ITI) calculated by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) and provided to QTAC

Current Non-standard Year 12 students learning through programs of study including Australian Christian Education, Steiner Education and home schooling will need to contact QTAC on 1300 467 822 or the relevant institution for more information on how your education will be assessed. You must provide proof of completion of an accredited Year 12 program of study and official results from the US Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). Current Non-standard Year 12 students are classified as “All Other Applicants” when lodging a QTAC application.

Current Queensland Senior External Examination students are assigned a selection rank based on results from the Queensland External Senior Exam subjects. Refer to Queensland Senior External Examination or contact QTAC for more information.

Other recognised qualifications completed at school, such as competency-based and graded AQF Certificates III and IV (completed), diplomas, higher education study, and some creative arts qualifications (in music, dance, and speech), may also be assigned a selection rank. For more information, contact QTAC or the relevant institution.

You also need to meet the relevant subject prerequisites for the course you are applying for. These can be satisfied by successfully completing senior secondary subjects (or equivalent).

I graduated Year 12 before 2023

Year 12 results (OP/ATAR/selection rank) do not expire once you have left school. These may be taken into consideration if you’ve acquired additional qualifications, including other recognised qualifications you may have completed either during your school tenure or afterwards.

Some examples of formal qualifications are:

  • Senior External Examination results
  • Higher education study
  • VET study like completed competency-based
  • Graded AQF certificates III and IV (completed)
  • Diplomas, bridging and enabling courses.


Also taken into consideration are other post-schooling professional and paraprofessional qualifications which may include creative arts, language and civil aviation qualifications, professional registrations and defence force service. You may also use other admission pathways such as employment experience and the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT). Please note age restrictions apply.

Each institution sets its own entry criteria. Your qualifications will be considered for entry depending on the institution and/or course you are applying to.

For more information, contact QTAC or the relevant institution.

Also taken into consideration are other post-schooling professional and paraprofessional qualifications which may include creative arts, language and civil aviation qualifications, professional registrations and defence force service.

You may also use other admission pathways such as employment experience and the Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT). Please note age restrictions apply.

I have completed/partially completed tertiary study

Institutions may take into consideration any completed or partially completed higher education study (a tertiary course), along with any other qualifications you have for entry. Each institution sets its own entry criteria, therefore it depends on the institution and/or which course you’re applying for as to which qualifications are considered for entry.

It’s best to complete an application through QTAC if you have completed or partially completed higher education/tertiary study and wish to transfer to another course at a different institution. If you want to transfer to another course at your current institution, your institution will advise if your application needs to go through QTAC.

Advanced Standing/Academic Achievement

Your previous study could qualify towards advanced standing/academic credit (please note: applications for advanced standing/academic credit are made directly to the institution). Most courses have subject prerequisites. Some of these can be achieved in Senior Secondary subjects (or equivalent). Other courses have further selection criteria.

I have Vocational Educational and Training (VET) Study

A completed VET study at AQF certificate III level or higher can be considered by your preferred institution along with any other qualifications you may have. The institution sets what qualifications come into consideration for entry criteria.

This consideration depends on the course you’re applying for, so we suggest reaching out to the institution you’re interested in.

You must also include with your application any further selection criteria associated with the course you are applying for, as well as the subject prerequisites. See here for more information.

I have employment/life experience

If you are already in the workforce, have a career goal or are considering further study in your field, applying through QTAC can offer you many pathways, even if it’s been a while since you’ve worn your school uniform. Life experience can significantly enhance your application with your selection rank taking into account more than just your high school accomplishments. You can apply to any of our 17 partner institutions, planning for either direct or pathway entries into your chosen course. QTAC uses a detailed method to create a QTAC Selection Rank, offering several ways to work towards your career achievements. Besides your high school grades, your qualifications and experience can count towards meeting entry requirements. Find out more here.

Depending on the course you’re aiming for, post-secondary professional and paraprofessional qualifications and services can all add to your selection ranking, such as:

  • Certain qualifications in creative arts, language, and civil aviation
  • Memberships in professional associations that require qualifying exams
  • Experience in police, defence, and emergency services.
I took a different path instead of finishing school

Most institutions offer alternatives to the traditional Senior Secondary route, helping you work towards your desired course. These pathways support and prepare you for studying at a degree level. They often include non-degree options like foundation studies, preparatory courses, and certificate, diploma, or associate degree programs.

Read more about Pathways.

I have an overseas qualification

For any applicants with overseas qualifications, you can apply through QTAC if you are:

  • an Australian citizen
  • an Australian permanent resident
  • an Australian permanent visa holder (201 or 202)
  • or a New Zealand citizen.

In addition to the above, you need to contact the relevant institution to ensure your eligibility for admission via QTAC. 

If you successfully complete a pathway course, the institution may guarantee entry into a specific degree course. Otherwise, you can use your non-degree studies to apply and compete for admission to other degree courses. You could also receive credit for some of the studies you completed in your non-degree course. Read More about Upgrading Pathways

With your application, you will need to include any further selection criteria associated with the course you are applying for, as well as the subject prerequisites. Find out more information on Course Search


Merit is taking into account eligible qualifications and achievements to determine academic ability.

This includes academic results like ATAR, relevant work experience, prior learning, and other criteria specific to the course.

If you complete Year 12 in Queensland in 2025 and are eligible for an ATAR, your ATAR will be taken into account when QTAC calculates your selection rank. You’ll receive your ATAR on 13 December 2024

For all other applicants, selection rank is based on your assessable qualifiers.
You can still get into some courses without needing an ATAR or selection rank if:
  • you meet the course prerequisites and institution admission rules, and
  • you don’t or won’t get an offer in a higher preference. If these circumstances apply, you’ll receive an offer the next time the course is available.

You can get into some courses with only an ATAR or selection rank if:

  • you meet the minimum ATAR/selection rank
  • you meet the course prerequisites and institution admission rules, and
  • you don’t/won’t get an offer in a higher preference.


If these circumstances apply, you will receive an offer the next time the course is offered.

If your ATAR/selection rank does not meet the minimum to compete for a place:

We’ll inform you and review your next preference to potentially offer you a place in that course. The sooner we notify you about courses you’re not eligible for, the sooner you can adjust your preferences.

If your ATAR/selection rank meets the minimum to compete for a place:

We’ll inform you if you meet the course requirements and the university’s admission criteria. If your application is highly competitive and you don’t receive an offer for a higher preference, you might receive an early offer for your chosen course. If you don’t get an early offer, we’ll wait until the main offer round for the course so you can compete for a spot.

This includes academic results like ATAR, relevant work experience, prior learning, and other criteria specific to the course.

If you complete Year 12 in Queensland in 2025 and are eligible for an ATAR, it will be calculated by QTAC. You’ll receive it on the 13 December 2024.

For all other applicants, selection rank is based on your assessable qualifiers.

Order of Merit​

QTAC places all applicants competing for a place in a course in ‘order of merit’. This means applicants with the highest ATAR/selection rank are places in the first offer round, then applicants with the next best ATAR/selection rank move into the second round of offers, and so on.

The minimum selection threshold:

• is not set beforehand

• can be used as a guide (only) to indicate possible future cut-offs.

• do not vary much year to year, but occasionally will have adjustments

• adjustments can change across semesters and between offer rounds for the same semester

• reflects supply and demand for a course (that is, the number of places in the course, the number of applicants for the course and the quality of those applicants). This does not indicate the quality of the course.

By going down the ‘order of merit’, applicants receive offers until all the places are filled. There is a minimum selection threshold. This is the lowest ATAR/selection rank that can earn an offer.

You can view previous year’s course information on the Course Search page to view year on year changes in entry requirements to courses.


Meeting English Language Proficiency

Additional requirements for Nursing and Midwifery Courses

If you’re looking to study Nursing or Midwifery, there are additional requirements for these courses that you need to meet before being offered an place.

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) requires that all applicants demonstrate their English language proficiency before you can be considered for a place in your chosen course.

Demonstrate and provide Evidence FOR NURSING AND MIDWIFERY

There are 3 ways you can demonstrate your English language proficiency and provide the evidence.

Once you have submitted your application for a nursing or midwifery course through QTAC, you will be sent a request via e-mail for more information about your English language proficiency. You will need to complete the request by filling out the option that applies to you, and uploading the document to your application.

Option 1

English is your primary language AND you have attended and satisfactorily completed at least six years of primary and secondary education taught and assessed solely in English. At least two years of this education must have been between grades 7 and 12. This education must have been completed in one or more of the following countries; Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States of America.

If this describes you, then you will need to complete a declaration confirming that you meet the requirements as described above.

If you are selecting option 1: you must tick the box, print your name, date and sign the declaration. When you upload the declaration, please ensure that your scan or photo captures the entire declaration page.

Option 2

You are already registered with AHPRA as an Enrolled Nurse (EN), Registered Nurse (RN), or Midwife.

If this describes you, then you will need to provide details of your AHPRA registration including your registration number and a copy of your registration certificate. If you are registered on the pandemic response sub-register only, you will need to demonstrate your English language proficiency via option 1 or option 3.

If you are selecting option 2: you must tick the box, provide your current AHPRA registration number and attach a copy of your current AHPRA registration certificate. Please note that if you are registered on the pandemic response sub-register only, you will need to demonstrate your English language proficiency via option 1 or option 3.

Option 3

You do not meet the criteria with either of the above options. You will need to sit an approved English language proficiency test.

If this describes you, then you will need to sit one of the following approved English language proficiency tests and achieve the minimum scores: IELTS Academic, TOEFL iBT, PTE Academic, or OET. Before booking one of these tests, please check to see which tests are accepted by the institution you are applying to.

If you are selecting option 3: you must tick the box. If you have completed an approved English language proficiency test you can upload this with your completed form. If you have not yet completed a test, we will send you a reminder to upload your results once available.

Once completed: upload the form to your QTAC application. Please note that we cannot progress your application until we receive this information. If you have any trouble with your upload see Documentation.

FAQ Nursing and Midwifery

ANMAC is the independent authority responsible for accrediting education providers and programs of study for the nursing and midwifery profession. Nursing and midwifery programs accredited by ANMAC are eligible to be listed as a Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) approved program of study.

ANMAC has recently reviewed the accreditation standards for nursing and midwifery courses. As a result of this review, increased requirements around English language proficiency have been determined. All applicants must demonstrate their English language proficiency (as specified by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia’s (NMBA) English language skills registration standard) via one of the options outlined before they can be made an offer to study in a nursing or midwifery course.

If English is your primary language and you meet the requirements as outlined in option 1, ANMAC requires that you confirm this with a formal written declaration. Whilst you are not required to submit documentation to support this, institutions reserve the right to request supporting documentation to verify your declaration at any time.

Yes. All applicants are required to confirm this with a formal written declaration as per option 1.

Yes. Digital and electronic signatures are accepted. Please note that digital and electronic signatures are not the same as a typed signature. Typed signatures are not accepted.

No. If you have listed multiple nursing or midwifery preferences in your application, you will only need to upload one declaration. This will be used to determine your eligibility across all preferences.

No. Applicants registered on the pandemic response sub-register must demonstrate their English language proficiency via option 1 or option 3.

Yes. You will need to sit an approved English language proficiency test (IELTS Academic, TOEFL iBT, PTE Academic, or OET) and achieve the minimum scores. Before booking one of these tests, please check to see which tests are accepted by the institution you are applying to.

Yes. You will need to fill out and upload your declaration or English language proficiency test results to your new QTAC application.

Yes. All applicants must demonstrate their English language proficiency via one of the three options outlined above to be considered for entry to a nursing and midwifery course from 2021.

No. ANMAC requires that all applicants demonstrate their English language proficiency via one of the three options before they can be offered a place in a nursing or midwifery course

You will receive the request via e-mail within 48hours of submitting your application. If you have not received an e-mail within 48 hours, log in to your QTAC application services account and check under the outstanding documents tab for Advice regarding eligibility for Nursing.

Once you have completed all of the required fields in the option that applies to you, log in to your QTAC application services account and go to Outstanding Documents, then upload your document/s against Advice regarding eligibility for Nursing.

If you do not complete all of the required fields in the option that you are selecting, we will ask you to fill out the request again. Your application will be on hold until QTAC receives a complete English language proficiency request.

No. If you are selecting option 1, please upload the first page ensuring that your scan or photo captures the entire page. If you are selecting option 2 or 3, please upload the second page.

Additional Requirements For Admission

Many institutions will require you to meet additional entry criteria. The courses you preference will outline what is required of you but information on the most common requirements which require consideration from you and often, preparation time ahead of submitting your applicant may include courses in Health, Nursing, Education, Welfare, Creative and Performaing Arts. 

Additional requirements for Education, Creative and Performing Arts, and Health.

Additional Requirements in education, arts and health

Teaching Personal Statement

For entry into Teacher Educations courses into Queensland institutions from SEM 1 2025, you are no longer required to complete this eligibility requirement. However, if you’re seeking entry into QTAC’s interstate universities, such as the University of New England and Southern University, you will be required to complete. For Direct entry applicants, please contact your nominated institution for further advice on this eligibility requirement.

For entry to Initial Teacher Education (ITE) courses, you will need to meet both the academic and non-academic entry requirements.
Academic entry requirements can include subject prerequisites and ATAR/selection rank thresholds and are outlined in the entry requirements for each course in our Course Search. 

To meet the non-academic entry requirements, applicants need to demonstrate they have the key competencies outlined by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) as those attributes, and motivations common to effective teachers with QTAC or direct entry to your nominated institution.

For this, you will need to complete an online questionnaire as part of your application 

Completing the online questionnaire

Once you have submitted your QTAC application for an Initial Teacher Education course, you will be emailed instructions on how to access and complete the online questionnaire.

In the online questionnaire, you will be asked several questions that require you to rank a series of statement responses, in order of what you think is most, to least important.

You will also need to provide two written statements addressing the following categories:

Category 1: Your Motivation and Suitability to Become a Teacher

Category 2: Your Involvement in Personal Learning and Leadership Activities

To help you prepare your written statements before accessing the questionnaire, please refer to our Fact Sheet (PDF 99KB).

Note: If you are applying to more than one initial teacher education course through QTAC, you will only need to complete the online questionnaire once.

Complete the questionnaire, review and submit.

Once submitted, you will not be able to log back in and change your responses (and QTAC cannot change responses on your behalf), so please review your responses carefully before submitting.


Your completed questionnaire will be assessed by QTAC and considered with your application for a place in your chosen Initial Teacher Education course in addition to your academic achievements.

Similar to many other assessment processes like interviews, you won’t receive your results from this assessment. 

Your answers reflect the personal attributes indicating how suitable you might be for teaching. So, while you can’t ‘fail’, it is possible your responses may reveal the teaching profession may not be best suited to you right now. 

If this is the case,  we are here to support you on your journey to becoming a teacher, contact us and we can discuss your options.

Additional requirements for Creative and Performing Arts courses

Most creative and performing arts courses require additional elements for an application. These may include:

  • audition
  • interview
  • portfolio
  • questionnaire


This will depend on the institution and the course you are applying for – please contact the institution for this information.

To meet the non-academic entry requirements, applicants need to demonstrate they have the key competencies outlined by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) as those attributes, and motivations common to effective teachers. 

For this, you will need to complete an online questionnaire as part of your application.

Additional requirements for Health, Education and Welfare courses.​

If you are looking to apply for courses relating to health, education and welfare, you will likely need to complete additional requirements:

  • Tests such as the University Clinical Aptitude Test (UCAT)
  • Interview
  • Requirements for clinical/internship placements undertaken as part of your course
  • Accreditation and procedures for employment after you have completed the course
  • Questionnaires and/or personal statements


This will depend on the institution and the course you are applying for – contact the institution for this information.

English subject prerequisite

To gain entry to most courses, a requirement is to have achieved a certain level in specific Year 12 subjects.

Not all courses have subject prerequisites, so to ensure you are most prepared to submit the best application, it’s recommended to check the institution’s policies and prerequisites for your chosen course.

In addition to, or instead of subject prerequisites, some courses have assumed knowledge and/or recommended study.

If a course has assumed knowledge or recommended study, it means the institution assumes you have subject knowledge or recommends that you study it.

If you do not have the assumed knowledge or recommended study, you can still get into the course, but you might have difficulty with your studies.

English is the most common subject prerequisite. If a course has an English subject prerequisite, you can find it listed in its course entry as ‘English, Literature, English and Literature Extension or English as an Additional Language (Units 3 and 4, C)’. This means you must study one of these Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) General English subjects (or equivalent) and attain a minimum Grade of ‘C ‘or better in Units 3 and 4 (typically studied in Year 12).

How to meet the English subject prerequisite

If you didn’t study a General English subject to Year 12 or haven’t yet achieved a pass in this subject, you can meet this requirement in other ways, depending on the policy of the institution you want to study at.

The institution policy tables below are a guide to meeting the English subject prerequisite for each institution and sometimes for individual courses. This is a summary only. If you believe you meet the English subject prerequisite through something not listed here, you should check with the institution.

English subject prerequisite and English language proficiency

The English subject prerequisite and English language proficiency are different things. The English subject prerequisite is the particular subject you study in Years 11 and 12.

English language proficiency is your ability to speak, write, read, and comprehend English.

Institution policies – 2024/2025 admissions

Note: Where an age requirement is listed you must be this age by a certain date. Refer to the Institution age requirement dates

  • QCAA – Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority
  • GPA – Grade Point Average
  • Passing GPA/Pass – an overall Grade Point Average of 4 or higher (on a 7-point scale where 4 = pass)
  • AQF – Australian Qualifications Framework
  • TBC – to be confirmed

Essential information

Keep checking these pages, as they are date-specific, updated regularly, and contain important information that you’ll need as you plan to submit your application for each offer round.


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