Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre

Bachelor of Environmental Science
Primary industries and environment
This degree offers a range of flexible study pathways keyed into career opportunities for students to learn about the environment and its management: air, land, water, plants and wildlife. Underpinned by cutting-edge research, gra […]
Full time Part time
Course Fee
CSP/$9184 (1st year contribution)
Start Date
Feb 2025
Jun 2025
University of New England - Armidale

3 years Full time or 6 years Part time

Offer Rounds
Course outline

This degree offers a range of flexible study pathways keyed into careers opportunities for students to learn about our environment and its management: air, land, water, plants and wildlife. Underpinned by cutting-edge research, graduates develop skills in the field and laboratory, and are equipped to solve real-world problems on regional, national and global scales.Each of our majors has been designed to strengthen professional competency, fine-tuning the problem solving and critical thinking skills needed in the workplace. Students can also complement their major with a range of minors, adding interdisciplinary skills and knowledge. A fourth year honours program is available. For external study, contact the UNE Future Students Team. For more course information, visit UNE’s Course Handbook.

University of New England


Applied Management; Conservation and Ecology; People and Environment; Vegetation and Landscapes.

Minors: Botany; Data Science and Modelling; GeoScience; Global Environment; Indigenous Knowledge Systems; Science and Communication; Soils; Spatial Science; Water Science; Zoology.

Admissions Criteria

For additional information about the admissions criteria for the University of New England and for this course, refer to UNE’s website.


Completion of Year 12 or attained age 17 years

Recommended study
Assumed knowledge

English; Mathematical Methods; Chemistry

Minimum Selection thresholds (ATAR/Selection Rank) for semester/trimester/term 1, 2024
ATAR/Selection Rank profile for those offered places wholly or partly on the basis of ATAR/Selection Rank for semester/trimester/term 1, 2024

For more information about the ATAR/Selection Rank profile, please visit ATAR/Selection Rank profile explained.

ATAR/Selection Rank excluding adjustment factors


ATAR/Selection Rank including adjustment factors


ATAR/Selection Rank excluding adjustment factors


ATAR/Selection Rank including adjustment factors


ATAR/Selection Rank excluding adjustment factors


ATAR/Selection Rank including adjustment factors



* “<5" – indicates less than 5 ATAR/Selection Rank based offers were made

Excluding: The lowest ATAR/Selection Rank to which an offer was made, excluding adjustment factors.
Including: The lowest ATAR/Selection Rank to which an offer was made including any adjustment factors that may have been applied.

Student Profile by Applicant background for semester/trimester/term 1, 2024

For more information about the Student profile, please visit Student profile explained.

Number of students


Percentage of all students


Number of students


Percentage of all students


Number of students


Percentage of all students


Number of students


Percentage of all students


Number of students


Percentage of all students


Number of students


Percentage of all students


Number of students


Percentage of all students


All students

Number of students


Percentage of all students



* “<5" – the number of students is less than 5

Career opportunities

Environmental protection agencies, national parks and wildlife manager, positions in museums and herbaria, zoos and botanic gardens, environmental consultancy and conservation, research with CSIRO and universities, policy development and analysis.

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