Study UniSQ’s four-year Bachelor of Social Work online as a full time or part time student. You will develop the knowledge and skills you need to become a catalyst for change in society. As a graduate social worker, you can work with individuals, families, at the community level or in policy development and evaluation where you can address structural disadvantage. You will study human experience and the importance of the social and physical environments; communication; ethics and legal issues; cultural safety and how to work alongside First Nations peoples; working regionally and rurally; and how to engage with climate change and eco-social justice. Our social work courses will allow you to work across the lifespan and in many diverse fields of practice including Child protection and family wellbeing; Disability, Health and hospitals; Mental health; Schools; and Domestic and Family Violence services. Experience two 500-hour industry-based placements where you will be mentored and supervised by an experienced social worker in a chosen field of practice. On placement, you will develop expertise in building relationships, working alongside people to formulate interventions that make a difference to their lives. Upon graduation from UniSQ, you will be an excellent communicator, be able to comprehensively and collaboratively assess individual and community needs, problem solve, advocate for human rights and social justice, navigate complex services and systems, and contribute to policy development and evaluation. For more information, visit Bachelor of Social Work at UniSQ.
University of Southern Queensland