Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre

Certificate IV in Adult Tertiary Preparation
Bridging and tertiary preparation
This course is ideal for people who have been away from formal education for several years looking to learn and develop essential study skills. Whether you are looking to gain entry to university via an alternate pathway or incre […]
Online learning
Course Fee
Start Date
Jan 2025
Jul 2025
TAFE Queensland - Online

1/2 years Online learning

Offer Rounds
Course outline

This course is ideal for people who have been away from formal education for several years looking to learn and develop essential study skills. Whether you are looking to gain entry to university via an alternate pathway or increase your Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) ranking, this course will equip you with life-long learning skills specific to tertiary education. This course is recognised by Queensland universities as a high-quality academic pathway and is facilitated by industry recognised, expert teaching staff. Students will develop a broad range of skills relevant to tertiary education including advanced literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills, time management, problem solving, mathematics, research and assignment writing skills, exam strategies and seminar presentation skills. Take your pick of the many electives in biology, chemistry, computing, mathematics, legal or physics. Recognised as a Year 12 alternative, graduates will be able to apply to the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) for a ranking on completion, gaining potential access to university or other tertiary education institutions.

TAFE Queensland


To successfully complete this course within the specified time frame, it is recommended that students have sound literacy and numeracy skills, excellent time management and a high level of commitment. Applicants offered a place in this course who are not eligible for a subsidised enrolment will pay full fee. Prospective students should visit tafeqld.edu.au/course/17/17691/certificate-iv-in-adult-tertiary-preparation for more information.

Fee notes

For information regarding TAFE Queensland course fees, VET Student Loans, FEE-HELP or HECS-HELP visit tafeqld.edu.au/study-with-us/what-it-costs/index.html or telephone 1300 308 233. For combined TAFE Queensland/university courses, refer to entry under university for higher education component.


Applicant must be 18

Additional entry requirements

Must be at least 18 years of age or must turn 18 years of age within the first semester of study. Applicants may be required to attend an interview with a teacher that includes a literacy and numeracy assessment, prior to enrolment.

Minimum Selection thresholds (ATAR/Selection Rank) for semester/trimester/term 1, 2024
ATAR/Selection Rank profile for those offered places wholly or partly on the basis of ATAR/Selection Rank for semester/trimester/term 1, 2024

For more information about the ATAR/Selection Rank profile, please visit ATAR/Selection Rank profile explained.

Excluding: The lowest ATAR/Selection Rank to which an offer was made, excluding adjustment factors.
Including: The lowest ATAR/Selection Rank to which an offer was made including any adjustment factors that may have been applied.

Student Profile by Applicant background for semester/trimester/term 1, 2024

For more information about the Student profile, please visit Student profile explained.


Contact the institution for information.

Career opportunities

Further study pathway, university pathway, university admission.

A Student Holding A Binder
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