The Doctor of Medicine (MD) program aims to nurture and educate future medical graduates who are clinically capable, team players, kind and compassionate, serve responsibly and are dedicated to the continual improvement of the health of people and communities. There are two entry pathways: Provisional Entry (for school leavers) or Direct Entry (for university graduates). You will gain a world-class, hands-on education that enables you to become an exceptional doctor capable of working in any global setting. Your four-year medical journey begins in year 1 with the foundations of medicine – learning fundamental concepts of medical sciences, clinical and professional skills and the role of the doctor and the health system. Year 2 will concentrate on developing the knowledge and skills required for medical practice, with a focus on the pathophysiology of common conditions. From year 3, you will be immersed in various clinical environments – both in hospital and the community. Your learning will be grounded in the clinical ‘workplace’ setting, supported by structured teaching and learning activities before culminating in a dedicated pre-internship placement that will provide you with the opportunity to be an active pre-intern member of a clinical team.
For more information, visit Doctor of Medicine at UQ. Refer to the course entry for 721302 Doctor of Medicine (MD) (Provisional Entry for School-Leavers) for more information about THE CENTRAL QUEENSLAND – WIDE BAY REGIONAL MEDICAL PATHWAY (RMP), the THE DARLING DOWNS – SOUTH WEST MEDICAL PATHWAY (MP) and the ALTERNATIVE ENTRY PATHWAY for students with an Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander background.
BONDED MEDICAL PLACES: This UQ and Australian Government initiative aims to proactively improve health services and reduce doctor shortages outside metropolitan areas across Australia. In 2024, 28.5% of all Commonwealth-supported places will be allocated to this scheme. If you accept an offer under this scheme, in return you commit to work in an eligible regional, rural and remote area for a specified period after completion of the MD program. The commitment is referred to as a Return of Service Obligation (RoSO). Specific requirements apply; see program.
RURAL BACKGROUND STUDENTS: This UQ and Australian Government initiative aims to proactively widen UQ MD program access to applicants from rural and remote backgrounds. This initiative is designed to reduce doctor shortages and improve health services in rural and remote areas of Australia. In 2024, 28% of places will be designated to applicants who have lived for a minimum length of time in a rural area in Australia. Specific requirements apply; see https://future-
Inclusive Medical Education Guidelines for studying medicine: The UQ Medical School is committed to supporting the physical and mental health of all applicants. We encourage you to familiarise yourself with the Medical Deans of Australia and New Zealand publication, Inclusive Medical Education – Guidance on medical program applicants and students with a disability, before applying. Further information is available here support/inclusive-medical-education.
The University of Queensland