Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre

Master of Secondary Teaching
If you are a graduate from a non-education background, this pre-service education degree will prepare you to teach in secondary school settings. Accelerated over 18 months, you’ll be eligible to apply for teacher registration six […]
Full time Part time
Course Fee
CSP/$4500 (1st year contribution)
Start Date
Mar 2025
Griffith University - Gold Coast

11/2-2 years Full time or 3-4 years Part time

Offer Rounds
Course outline

If you are a graduate from a non-education background, this pre-service education degree will prepare you to teach in secondary school settings. You may complete in 1.5 years or over 2 years. If completed over 1.5 years, you’ll be eligible to apply for teacher registration six months earlier than graduates from other universities. You will learn the theory and practice of teaching, as well as the characteristics of learners and teachers and the social contexts of education. The degree includes education studies, curriculum studies in two nominated teaching areas, and professional experience in secondary school settings. Griffith University graduates are in demand and find employment in the independent, Catholic and State education systems in Queensland, as well as nationally and overseas. For more course information, visit Master of Secondary Teaching at GU.

Griffith University


Students can study over three trimesters each year, completing the program in 1.5 years.

Fee notes

This an indicative only amount for first year fees. For further information refer to http://www.griffith.edu.au/students/enrolment-timetables-fees/paying-your-fees.

Other requirements

A Suitability Card is required; refer to institution. Students undertaking an initial teacher education program will need to successfully complete the National Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education Students (LANTITE) to graduate from the program. Students are permitted three test attempts in total for each component. If students fail three test attempts for each component, they will not be able to graduate.


Prior study; Teaching area study requirements

Fixed closing date

Applications close 31 January 2025.

Additional entry requirements

A completed bachelor’s degree or equivalent that does not lead to teacher registration with a minimum GPA of 4.0 on a 7.0 point scale, with disciplinary strengths in two distinctive teaching areas. Non-academic entry requirements also apply.

Applicants must have completed a quarter of their degree (a minimum of six subjects) in their first nominated teaching area. The second teaching area must include a minimum of another six courses for senior secondary, or four courses for junior secondary. To qualify for the learning enhancement specialist area, applicants must have completed a minimum of six subjects in psychology. Griffith University will notify applicants of their approved teaching areas to enable them to enrol correctly, should they be made an offer in this program.

Teaching areas: Applicants must nominate their preferred teaching areas (minimum of two, or students can take studies in one teaching area and the learning enhancement specialisation) on their QTAC application.

The teaching areas are: biology; business (Gold Coast and online only); chemistry; design technologies (Gold Coast and online only); digital technologies (Gold Coast and online only); drama (Brisbane South – Mt Gravatt and online only); English; food and nutrition (Gold Coast and online only); geography (Brisbane South – Mt Gravatt and online only); health and physical education; history; instrumental music (Brisbane South – Mt Gravatt and online only); languages other than English (LOTE) (Brisbane South – Mt Gravatt and online only); learning enhancement (Brisbane South – Mt Gravatt and online only); mathematics; music (Brisbane South – Mt Gravatt and online only); physics; psychology (Brisbane South – Mt Gravatt and online only); visual arts (Brisbane South – Mt Gravatt and online only). These teaching areas are selected on the basis of content studies within an applicant’s previous degree. Applicants applying to study at the Gold Coast can select Brisbane South – Mt Gravatt teaching areas or specialisations not offered at the Gold Coast and if approved would need to travel to Brisbane South – Mt Gravatt for that teaching area. Similarly, applicants applying to study at Brisbane South – Mt Gravatt can select Gold Coast teaching areas or specialisations not offered at Brisbane South – Mt Gravatt and if approved would need to travel to the Gold Coast or enrol online for that teaching area. The take-up of selected teaching areas that have been approved are contingent on timetabling constraints.

English Language Proficiency requirements: Apply to all applicants whose previous studies were completed in a country other than Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, United Kingdom or the United States of America or undertaken in a language other than English. Applicants must attain an IELTS – academic (or equivalent) of 7.5 overall (with a minimum score of 8 in speaking and listening, and minimum score of 7 in each of the other subtests), obtained within two years prior to the start of the program, or the successful completion of three years full-time bachelor level study where the language of instruction is English completed in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Republic of Ireland, UK, USA.

Previous Education studies: Successful completion of the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) is not an entry requirement for this program. However, if you have achieved a ‘satisfactory’ result for one or more component of the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) at another institution, the ‘satisfactory’ result can be carried across with your program application. You are not eligible to apply for a place in the program if one or more component of LANTITE remains at ‘unsatisfactory’ after two test attempts for that component. Griffith University does not support reset of LANTITE test attempts.

Griffith Guaranteed Admission Schemes do not apply to this program.

The majority of offers for this course will be made in the 19 December offer round. Applicants should provide any outstanding documents by no later than 9 December 2024 to be considered for this offer round.

Offers may continue to be made after the 19 December offer round should places still be available in the course. For more information check the QTAC website.

Minimum Selection thresholds (ATAR/Selection Rank) for semester/trimester/term 1, 2024
ATAR/Selection Rank profile for those offered places wholly or partly on the basis of ATAR/Selection Rank for semester/trimester/term 1, 2024

For more information about the ATAR/Selection Rank profile, please visit ATAR/Selection Rank profile explained.

Excluding: The lowest ATAR/Selection Rank to which an offer was made, excluding adjustment factors.
Including: The lowest ATAR/Selection Rank to which an offer was made including any adjustment factors that may have been applied.

Student Profile by Applicant background for semester/trimester/term 1, 2024

For more information about the Student profile, please visit Student profile explained.


Contact the institution for information.

Career opportunities

Teaching, head of curriculum, central school administration, policy adviser, curriculum officer, principal, training settings in industry and government, outdoor education, adult literacy, libraries, educational research, education policy, or consultancy.

A Student Holding A Binder
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