Find your calling. Secure your path.
Whether you’re an adult returning to study or looking to enter tertiary education for the very first time. You can apply through QTAC to one or more of our 17 Institutions. We’re here to assist on your journey to your dream career.
QTAC Partners with Queenslands leading Tertiary Institutions
To learn more about applying with an tertiary Institution select a profile below and learn more.
Direct Entry Institutions
Explore Queensland Institutions
There are a lot of reasons to love Queensland, and if you’re looking to make your tertiary experience sensational, then you’ll love our tertiary institutions. Selecting one of the above profiles will give you access to important institution information and resources.
Essential information
Keep checking these pages, as they are date-specific, updated regularly, and contain important information that you’ll need as you plan to submit your application for each offer round.
Minimum Selection Thresholds
The minimum entry requirements (rank and/or other) that applicants must meet to be suitable candidates.
Offer Round Information
Check when the courses you want will be offering places, and adjust your application accordingly. Check this page regularly.
Fixed Closing Dates
Many courses have early or fixed deadlines for applications and/or documentation submissions.
English Subject Prerequisite
Most courses require you to have achieved a certain level in Year 12 subjects. Learn more about English subject prerequisites here.
Minimum age requirements
Each institution has minimum age criteria. Find out more here
If you want to accept and then defer an offer, ensure you understand the institution’s policy.
Disability and Support Services
Institution Services
Disability and support services
Most tertiary institutions have dedicated disability support services that offer a range of assistance. This may include academic adjustments, such as extra time in exams, accessible learning materials, sign-language interpreters, note-taking services, and assistive technology. You can usually arrange a meeting with a disability advisor to discuss your needs and develop a tailored support plan.
Contact your preferred institution to find out about the range of services as well as the facilities that may be available to you online and on campus. You can also request campus tours to ensure that the physical environment of your preferred institution meets your needs.
Student Support Services
Beyond disability-specific support, institutions usually offer general student support services, such as counselling, academic tutoring, and career advice, which can be beneficial during your studies.
Educational Access Scheme (EAS)
In your QTAC you can apply for the Educational Access Scheme, which provides additional consideration for your application.
Each Institution’s facilities and services vary, please ensure you contact your preferred institution for further enquiries.
Read more - Institutions Support Service Contact Details
Australian Catholic University Disability Adviser 3623 7248 | Bond University Disability Officers 5595 4002 |
Christian Heritage College Admissions 3347 7915 | CQUniversity Inclusion and Accessibility Service 13 27 86
CQUniversity (TAFE) – Disability Services Officer 4920 2493 |
Griffith College Admissions Manager 3735 6878 | Griffith University Student Disability and Accessibility Deaf Student Program Support (all locations) email: Disabilities Service Logan, Mt Gravatt, Nathan, South Bank email: Gold Coast |
James Cook University AccessAbility Services – Support Adviser Townsville 4781 5152
AccessAbility Services – Support Adviser Cairns 4232 1150 | Queensland University of Technology Disability and Accessibility Services, Student Services 3138 2019 |
Southern Cross University Student Equity and Disability Officers 02 6620 3943 | The University of Queensland Disability Adviser, Student Services Gatton 5460 1046
Disability Adviser, Student Services St Lucia 3365 1704 |
University of New England Disability Unit 02 6773 2897 | University of Southern Queensland Disability Student Support Services 4631 2372 |
University of the Sunshine Coast Disability Adviser, Student Wellbeing 5430 1226 | TAFE Queensland Visit TAFE Queensland’s student support services for information on:

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