Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre

Privacy, policies and responsibilities

Please read through the content on this page to understand your rights and our policies. Before you apply to study or for your ATAR, you must know the rights and responsibilities you have as an applicant.

Rights & responsibilities

The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) ensures applicants have their applications assessed fairly and consistently while providing tools for submission, preference management, and tracking. Applicants are responsible for following QTAC’s guidelines, providing accurate information, and meeting deadlines to avoid potential issues or forfeiture of their application. This summary outlines the key rights and responsibilities of applicants to promote a clear and transparent admissions process.



This policy outlines the data we collect, how we use and store it, and your rights regarding that information. It also covers the consent you provide by using our services and your responsibilities as an applicant. The data we collect may vary depending on the services or application type you use.

As part of our role in processing tertiary offers efficiently and fairly, and fulfilling reporting obligations, QTAC receives stores, and uses data, including Personal Identifiable Information (PII) provided by applicants and selected third parties.

QTAC is not required to give refunds to individuals or businesses for services* under the following circumstances:

  • If the reason for cancelling or not showing up for a service was outside the control of QTAC

  • If there is a change of mind or no use for a service

  • If they go against QTAC’s advice

  • If they failed to clearly explain their needs

  • If they acted on what someone else said or did (i.e. the advice they received was not from QTAC)

  • If an institution withdraws a course and an individual makes the decision not to change their preferences (outside the control of QTAC).

Note: If an applicant exceeds (6) offers, there will be no refund for a second application.

* A service includes, but is not limited to, application processing, unused bulk prepayment vouchers, STAT examinations, workshops and seminars.


Copyright of all material in this website is owned by the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC). All rights are reserved. However, you may download a single copy of the content of this website for your own private and personal use and, where necessary for your own private and personal use, make a single hard copy. You have no other rights (express or implied) in relation to the content of this website or any part of it.


In the preparation of these webpages, every effort has been made to offer the most current, correct, and clearly expressed information possible. However, inadvertent errors can occur, and applicable laws, rules and procedures often change. The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) does not warrant or represent that this site is free from errors or omissions or that the information contained therein is suitable for your intended use. You accept all risks and responsibility for losses, damages, costs and other consequences resulting directly or indirectly from using this site and any information or material available from it. To the maximum extent permitted by law, QTAC excludes all liability for any loss or damage (including without limitation, any special or consequential loss or damage) to any person arising directly or indirectly out of the use or inability to use this site and any information or material available from it.

Personal Information Breach of Privacy Form (PDF 482.2KB)

Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC)

Your privacy is important to us and we are committed to handling your personal information in a responsible way in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). This is our Privacy Policy-Public and it sets out how we collect, store, use and disclose your personal information.

If you do not agree to any of the provisions of this Privacy Policy-Public, you should not use QTAC’s website or services, lodge a QTAC application, use the My Path service, or provide QTAC with any personal information.

By visiting the QTAC website, applying for a tertiary place via QTAC, using the My Path service, or using any of our services or providing us with your information, you agree to your information being collected, held, used and disclosed as set out in this Privacy Policy-Public.

The information we collect

Where practicable, we will give you the option of interacting with us anonymously or using a pseudonym. For instance, you do not need to provide any personal information in order to visit the QTAC website and use facilities such as Course Search, nor will you usually be asked to identify yourself if you contact QTAC by telephone with a general enquiry about our services.

We collect the personal information necessary for us to provide you with the services you have requested from us, and to manage your QTAC application. You do not have to provide us with your personal information, but if you do not do so we may not be able to provide you with some or all of our services.

By disclosing personal information to QTAC, you are consenting to its collection by QTAC. If QTAC receives unsolicited personal information about you which it reasonably believes that you have voluntarily disclosed (for instance, if you are listed as the sender on mail containing personal information), this personal information may be included in your QTAC application. This may include personal or sensitive information that QTAC could not have solicited from you. QTAC may choose to destroy unsolicited personal information about you that is not relevant to QTAC’s functions.

The personal information that you are currently required to provide to lodge a QTAC application includes:

  • full name (including any previous name(s))

  • address(es) (including any previous address(es))

  • date of birth

  • email address

  • telephone number(s)

  • qualification information

  • gender

  • citizenship/residency status

  • English proficiency

  • preferences.

The personal information that you are currently required to provide to register for an ATAR includes:

  • Full name

  • Date of birth

  • Email address (not school email address)

  • Mobile phone number

  • LUI

QTAC also collects information as required by the government, which includes:

  • highest education level of parent(s)/guardian(s)

  • language spoken at home

  • country of birth

  • year of arrival in Australia

  • number and gender of parent(s)/guardian(s).

You also currently have the option of providing other personal information including:

  • current or previous employment details

  • professional certifications and memberships

  • details of an authorised person

  • sensitive information (including health information) in relation to an application under the Educational Access Scheme (EAS) or when seeking special consideration in relation to any of QTAC’s services.

The personal information you are currently required to provide to access the My Path service includes:

  • name

  • email address

  • subject selection

  • SET planning information (including strengths, results and intended pathways after school)

  • capability preferences (e.g. prefer to work in groups or work alone)

  • preferred tertiary courses, locations and institutions

In addition, an individual seeking to use QTAC’s services who has previously been known by another name may be required to provide proof of their identity and change of name

From time to time you may have the option to participate in surveys or other activities intended to improve QTAC’s services, which may involve providing personal information. Your participation in such activities is subject to your consent.

How we collect your information

We may collect your information in various ways, including:

  • QTAC application and other online services

  • ATAR Portal registration

  • ATAR Verification service

  • ATAR Appeals service

  • email

  • Veriskills

  • surveys

  • telephone

  • written correspondence

  • in person

Whenever possible, QTAC will collect your personal information directly from you. However, in some situations QTAC will collect information that may include your personal information from a third party. These third parties include:

  • institutions, including secondary institutions, where you have studied or where QTAC reasonably believes you may have studied

  • Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA), previously known as Queensland Studies Authority (QSA)

  • Authorities that QTAC reasonably believes may hold results pertinent to your application

  • Education providers, government departments, professional bodies, and other organisations that issue credentials relevant to tertiary entrance or employability

  • Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

  • International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO)

  • Government bodies, departments and agents (including Department of Human Services (formerly Centrelink) and the Department of Education)

  • New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA)

  • Interstate admission centres

  • third party verification services, including those located overseas.

In addition, by providing the details of an authorised person to QTAC you are consenting to the collection of your personal information from your authorised person.

On occasion, QTAC may ask you to provide the personal information of another person (for example, the Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN) for your parent or guardian if you apply under the Educational Access Scheme). By providing this information you are agreeing that you have provided that personal information with the consent of that individual, and that you have let them know about this Privacy Policy-Public and where to find it. We will only use this personal information for the purpose for which it was collected.

How we use your information

We only use your personal information for the purpose for which it was provided to us, related purposes, purposes for which you consent, and as otherwise required or permitted by law.

Such purposes include:

  • provision of information about any of QTAC’s services that may be relevant to you

  • provision of information about institution services which may be relevant to you

  • responding to your enquiries

  • to identify you when you log into QTAC’s online services or otherwise contact QTAC

  • providing you with services you have requested

  • processing your QTAC application to determine your eligibility for courses

  • determining your ATAR eligibility

  • advising you about subject prerequisites

  • maintaining/administering your application

  • processing payments you have authorised

  • any other purposes identified at the time of collecting your information.

We will only use your sensitive information for the purposes for which it was initially collected, other directly related purposes or purposes to which you otherwise consent.

How we disclose your information

Where appropriate we may disclose your personal information to third parties as required to process your QTAC application or to provide you with other services. The way in which these third parties use your personal information is governed by QTAC’s Privacy Policy – Corporate.

In addition, by providing the details of an authorised person to QTAC, you are consenting to the disclosure of your personal information to your authorised person.

Your personal information may be disclosed to third parties including:

  • institutions that participate in QTAC

  • institutions, including Secondary institutions, where you have studied or where QTAC reasonably believes you may have studied

  • Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA), previously known as Queensland Studies Authority (QSA)

  • Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

  • International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO)

  • Government bodies, departments, agents (including Department of Human Services (formerly Centrelink) and the Department of Education).

We will only disclose your sensitive information for the purposes for which it was initially collected, other directly related purposes, purposes to which you consent, and as otherwise permitted or required by law.

On occasion, QTAC may disclose your personal information to entities located overseas in order to process your QTAC application or to provide you with other services. You acknowledge that, by agreeing to the disclosure of your information to these entities outside of Australia, QTAC will no longer be required to take reasonable steps to ensure the overseas recipient’s compliance with the Australian privacy law in relation to your information and we will not be liable to you for any breach of the Australian privacy law by these overseas recipients and, on this basis, you consent to such disclosure.

Security of your information

We will take reasonable steps (including any measures required by law) to ensure your information is protected and secure.

For any payments you make via our websites, over the telephone or face to face, we use a recognised payment service provider that is required to take reasonable steps to protect your information. We also take reasonable precautions to ensure that any information you provide to us through our websites is transferred securely from our servers to our mainframe computers.

However, no data protection and security measures are completely secure. Despite all the measures we have put in place, we cannot guarantee the security of your information, particularly in relation to transmissions over the internet. Accordingly, any information which you transmit to us is transmitted at your own risk. You must take care to ensure you protect your information (for example, by protecting your QTAC user names and passwords) and you should notify us as soon as possible after you become aware of any security breaches.

Accuracy, access and correction

We take reasonable steps to ensure the information we collect and hold about you is accurate, complete and up-to-date. However, we rely on you to advise us of any changes to your information or corrections required to the information we hold about you. You can notify us of a change to your information in the following ways:

  • telephone: 1300 467 822

  • online enquiry via the contact us page

  • written correspondence: PO Box 1331, Milton, QLD, 4064.

We reserve the right to request appropriate supporting evidence/or information to action any request to change your information.

If you are a current applicant you can update some of your personal information (currently your email, address and telephone) without contacting QTAC. You can do this by logging into the My Account section of Application Services.

In addition, by providing the details of an authorised person to QTAC, you are consenting to the authorised person correcting your personal information.

An applicant’s access to their ATAR depends on the personal details entered in the ATAR Portal matching the QCAA year 12 data. An ATAR account holder can log into the ATAR Portal to check and update their personal details. Personal details can be updated in the portal until those details are matched with the individual student’s year 12 QCAA data. Email addresses can be updated by the account holder at any time. Only the ATAR account holders themselves can access and manager their accounts.  There is no provision in the ATAR registration process for an authorised person.

The ATAR Appeals process makes provision for an authorised person to manage an applicant’s appeal on their behalf.  This does not give that authorised person access to the appeal applicant’s ATAR portal. However, through authorised involvement in the appeal application the authorised person may get access to the applicant’s ATAR result and personal details.

QTAC will, upon request, provide you with access to the personal information we hold about you, unless otherwise required or permitted by law. Access to personal information must be made in writing by completing a Personal Information Access Request Form, mailed to PO Box 1331, Milton, Queensland, 4064. A service fee may be charged for retrieving and sending the information to you. If you require another means of accessing your personal information QTAC will facilitate this request as long as it is reasonable.

Important notice in relation to fraudulent documentation

The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) authorises QTAC to use and disclose your personal information without following the provisions in this Privacy Policy-Public where QTAC has reason to suspect that you have engaged in serious misconduct in relation to QTAC’s functions, if the use or disclosure of the personal information is necessary in order for QTAC to take appropriate action in relation to the misconduct.

QTAC considers the provision of fraudulent documentation to be serious misconduct in relation to QTAC’s functions. Therefore, if QTAC has reason to suspect that you have presented fraudulent documentation of any kind, QTAC may use or disclose your personal information in a manner inconsistent with this Privacy Policy-Public to the extent required to undertake an investigation into that documentation and to take appropriate action in light of the outcome of the investigation.

What to do if you have a complaint

If you wish to make an enquiry about a possible breach of this Privacy Policy-Public or the privacy principles of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) or a formal complaint, you can contact us by:


  • telephone: 1300 467 822

  • online enquiry via the contact us page

  • written correspondence: PO Box 1331, Milton, QLD, 4064.

Formal complaint

Formal complaints about a breach of this Privacy Policy-Public or the Privacy Principles of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) must be made in writing by completing a Personal Information Breach of Privacy Form, mailed to PO Box 1331, Milton, Queensland, 4064. QTAC reserves the right to request any supporting evidence and/or information to substantiate the complaint/breach.

We will refer your complaint to the responsible officer at QTAC, who will investigate the issue and determine the steps we will undertake to resolve your complaint. We will contact you if we require any additional information from you and will notify you in writing of the determination in relation to your complaint.

If you are not satisfied with our determination, you can contact us to discuss your concerns or complain to the Australian Privacy Commissioner.

Revision of our Privacy Principle

QTAC reserve the right to revise this Privacy Policy-Public or any part of it from time to time. Please review this policy periodically for changes. If we make significant changes to this policy, we will notify this change by putting a notice on our public website www.qtac.edu.au

Your acceptance of the revised Privacy Policy-Public is constituted by your continued use of our services or website, or the provision of further personal or sensitive information to us after this Privacy Policy-Public has been revised.

How to contact us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy-Public or its implementation, please submit an online enquiry via the contact us page or call us on 1300 467 822.

Background to the Policy-Corporate

The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) collects, holds, processes, uses, transfers and discloses personal information, including sensitive information, about individuals to enable it to function as a provider of centralised tertiary admissions. This personal information must be afforded appropriate and adequate protection as required by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

QTAC discloses personal information about an individual to selected third-party entities to assist QTAC in providing its services, and/or to allow those third parties to provide services to that individual. QTAC may disclose personal information by making it accessible in person, by email or telephone. QTAC may also disclose personal information by granting access to one or more of the following:

  • Online Admissions Platform (OASys)

  • QTAC Corporate Internet Services (Corporate Site)

  • Year 12 databases(s)

  • QTAC Portal for Schools, including students ATARs and status of consent to share ATAR with schools

  • My Path

  • QTAC Reporting Services

  • other services or databases as made available by QTAC from time to time.

This policy sets out the obligation of third parties who access, use or store personal information disclosed by QTAC. If a third party does not agree to comply with this Policy it should no longer access, use or store personal information disclosed by QTAC.

Compliance with this Policy does not guarantee access to the personal information. Access to personal information is granted by QTAC on a case-by-case basis. Failure to comply with this policy may lead to withdrawal of access to the personal information, but refusal or withdrawal of access may also occur as a result of factors unrelated to compliance with this policy.

Nothing in this policy has the effect of:

  1. obliging QTAC to disclose, or to continue to disclose, the personal information

  2. limiting QTAC from withdrawing, limiting, altering or attaching conditions to access the personal information.

This Policy supersedes any prior agreements and understandings (whether written or oral) between QTAC and third parties regarding privacy obligations in relation to personal information. This Policy does not otherwise alter any rights, obligations, agreements or understandings between QTAC and third parties.

Collection of, and access to, information by third parties

  • Schools and QTAC participants (third parties) may only collect personal information of individuals from QTAC in a lawful way and where the individuals have consented to share their personal information.

  • Consent to share ATARs (personal information) with the school can be withdrawn by students at any stage. It is the responsibility of the school to check that the school only uses the most up to date ATAR reports.

Authorised purposes

Third parties may only use personal information disclosed by QTAC to the extent necessary to achieve authorised purposes. The authorised purposes for which personal information disclosed by QTAC may be used are:

  • any purpose for which the third party has secured the prior consent of the individual to whom the personal information relates

  • processing applications for admission to courses offered through the tertiary institution or Tertiary Admissions Centre

  • carrying out checks to determine eligibility for courses for which the individual has applied

  • allocating tertiary places to eligible applicants

  • carrying out research or performing analysis that does not involve the identification of specific individuals

  • dealing with a specific tertiary application enquiry made by the individual to whom the personal information relates or made by an authorised representative of that person

  • in the case of paying invoices or making refunds, the making of payments to bank accounts where provided information aligns with bank information necessary to be disclosed for accurate account identification; and

  • any other purpose for which prior written authorisation is obtained from QTAC.

In addition to the authorised purposes listed above, a secondary school may use personal information disclosed by QTAC, including the ATAR data, to provide counselling services to students (and recently graduated students) of that school in relation to that student’s QTAC application and the outcome of that application.

Depersonalised or aggregate data

From time to time QTAC provides aggregate, non-personal data to third parties for research purposes. It is a condition of accessing this information that no data-matching or data-merging is conducted which has the effect, or may have the effect, of extracting personal information from the aggregate data. Any personal information discoverable in aggregate data is subject to this policy, and must only be used for the Authorised Purposes outlined above.

Security of personal information

The third party must take reasonable steps, to the satisfaction of QTAC, to ensure that personal information disclosed by QTAC is protected against misuse, interference, loss and unauthorised access, modification and disclosure. The third party must ensure that each of its employees who access, use or disclose personal information are aware of and comply with the obligations under the Policy-Corporate when they are accessing, using or disclosing the personal information. If the third party becomes aware of any misuse, interference, loss, or unauthorised access, modification or disclosure of personal information disclosed by QTAC, the third party must immediately notify QTAC.

Third parties may store the personal information in a secondary database to the extent necessary to undertake an authorised purpose. If the personal information is held in a secondary database, the third party must maintain appropriate logs of all personal information accessed by employees. If the nature of the database prevents the maintenance of such logs, the third party must restrict access to the database using appropriate security measures and maintain records of the individuals with current and previous access to the database. If requested by QTAC, the third party must provide QTAC with access to these logs or records within seven (7) days of the request.

The third party must take reasonable steps to update personal information if notified by QTAC that the information is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant, or misleading taking into account the purpose for which the information is held by the third party. The third party must take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify personal information that is no longer required to fulfil the purpose for which it was disclosed by QTAC.

Further disclosure

An employee of a third-party entity to whom personal information is disclosed by QTAC may further disclose that personal information to other employees of that entity as necessary to undertake activities directed related to an authorised purpose.

Personal information disclosed by QTAC must not be further disclosed outside the third-party entity without prior express written permission of QTAC; or consent of the individual to whom the personal information relates.

Special Provisions for Queensland ATARs

Queensland ATARs are disclosed to third parties for restricted purposes governed by separate agreement. Queensland ATARs should be used only according to the terms of those agreements. 

Direct Marketing

Non-QTAC participants

Third parties other than QTAC participants must not use personal information disclosed by QTAC for direct marketing.

QTAC participants

QTAC participants may use personal information (excluding sensitive information) disclosed by QTAC to communicate directly with an individual who has that institution listed as a current preference on a QTAC application at the date of the communication. This communication must be consistent with other relevant QTAC policies, including the Communication with Applicants guidelines.

QTAC participants may use My Path personal information to communicate directly with prospective applicants to that institution.

QTAC participants may not use sensitive information disclosed by QTAC to communicate with an individual about goods or services without the prior permission of QTAC’s Chief Operating Officer or Chief Executive Officer.

All direct marketing communications that use personal information disclosed by QTAC must comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) including containing a prominent statement offering a simple means to opt out of receiving direct marketing communications. This requirement applies regardless of whether or not the third party would otherwise be bound by the provisions of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

If QTAC gives written notice to a QTAC participant that an individual has requested to no longer receive direct marketing from that QTAC participant, the QTAC participant must cease all such direct marketing using personal information disclosed by QTAC to that individual within thirty (30) days of receiving notice from QTAC.

Nothing in this policy is intended to relieve QTAC participants from obligations under the Spam Act 2003 or the Do Not Call Register Act 2006.

Withdrawal of access

If QTAC determines that the third party has breached this policy, QTAC may withdraw access to some or all of the personal information. QTAC may also require the third party to return and/or securely destroy personal information previously disclosed by QTAC. QTAC will elect whether it requires the personal information to be returned or destroyed.

Changes to this policy

QTAC reserves the right to amend this Policy from time to time. Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled. (Last amended June 2021)

Glossary of terms

Authorised purposes – purposes for which personal information disclosed by QTAC may be used by third parties.

Direct Marketing – the use and/or disclosure of personal information to communicate directly with an individual to promote goods and services.

Disclosure – when personal information is made accessible to QTAC, but does not include instances when an individual exploits QTAC’s security measures and gains unauthorised access to the personal information.

Consent – express consent or implied consent, where the consent is voluntary and informed, current and specific, and the individual has the capacity to understand and communicate the consent. “Consent is voluntary if an individual has a genuine opportunity to provide or withhold consent. Consent is not voluntary where there is duress, coercion or pressure that could overpower the person’s will.”

Counselling service – the provision of advice or counsel to a secondary school student by a suitably qualified member of staff at a secondary school.

Employee – an officer, employee, or agent (whether employed under a contract or otherwise), engaged by the third party to provide services in exchange for wages.

QTAC – the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC).

QTAC Corporate Internet Services – the web-based service operated by QTAC that provides proprietary products and services to tertiary institutions and secondary schools.

QTAC participants – the entities participating in QTAC, as set out below:

  • Australian Catholic University

  • Bond University

  • CQUniversity Australia

  • Christian Heritage College

  • Federation University

  • Griffith College

  • Griffith University

  • James Cook University

  • Queensland University of Technology

  • SAE Creative Media Institute

  • Southern Cross University

  • TAFE Queensland

  • The University of Queensland

  • Torrens University

  • University of New England

  • University of Southern Queensland

  • University of the Sunshine Coast

  • Other institutions as admitted from time to time to QTAC.

OASys – the online admissions platform operated by QTAC.

Personal information – information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable whether the information or opinion is true or not; and whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.

Preference – a request made as part of a QTAC Tertiary application for an individual to be considered for entry into a specified course at a specified tertiary institution for a specified semester.

Secondary database – a collection of data controlled by the third party which includes personal information disclosed by QTAC.

Sensitive information – a subset of personal information that includes health information about an individual (whether or not the individual is identifiable), and any of the following in relation to identifiable individuals:

  • racial or ethnic origin

  • political opinions

  • membership of a political association

  • religious beliefs or affiliations

  • philosophical beliefs

  • membership of a professional or trade association

  • membership of a trade union

  • sexual orientation or practices

  • criminal record.

Tertiary Admissions Centre – an entity providing centralised admissions and other services to tertiary institutions.

Tertiary application enquiry – an enquiry made by an individual about the progress, assessment or outcome of a Tertiary Application.

Tertiary institution – a public or private entity offering education or training courses at a tertiary level.

Tertiary application – an application by an individual to a tertiary institution or Tertiary Admissions Centre to be considered for a place.

Third-party entity – an organisation (including a QTAC participant) or individual to whom QTAC disclosed personal information.

Year 12 database(s) – database(s) controlled by QTAC that contain results of Australian Year 12 students including Queensland Year 12 students.

Online security statement

QTAC is committed to protecting the security of our website and upholding high standards of data integrity. This Online Security Statement applies to this website, which is operated and managed by QTAC.

We understand and appreciate that visitors and users of this website may be concerned about their privacy and the confidentiality and security of any information that may be provided to us.

Our commitment to privacy and responsible use of your online personal information

When you use this website and when you transact with us online, you may provide us with some of your personal information. We are committed to protecting this personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). Our Privacy Policies explain how we comply with the Australian Privacy Principles and other legal requirements in relation to the way we handle personal information that we collect via this website.

Security statement for site usage

When you look at this website, we make a record of your visit and log the following information:

  • the user’s IP address

  • the user’s top level domain name (for example .com, .gov, .au, etc)

  • the date and time of visit to the site

  • the pages accessed and documents downloaded

  • the previous site visited

  • the user’s Operating System and the type of browser used.

We record this information for statistical purposes and to enable us to diagnose problems that users may have with the website.

No attempt is or will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except, in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect activity logs.

QTAC take reasonable precautions to ensure that any information you provide to us through our websites is transferred securely. We work to protect the security of your information during transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts information you input.

However, no data protection and security measures are completely secure. Despite all the measures we have put in place, we cannot guarantee the security of your information, particularly in relation to transmissions over the internet. Accordingly, any information which you transmit to us is transmitted at your own risk. You must take care to ensure you protect your information (for example, by protecting your QTAC user names and passwords) and you should notify us as soon as possible after you become aware of any security breaches.

SPAM means unsolicited advertising material sent via email. We will not send out this type of material.

Online payments

QTAC is committed to ensuring our customers’ payment card data is safe and secure at all times. We use a recognised payment service provider that is required to take reasonable steps to protect your information.

What is our privacy relationship with third party websites?

This website includes hyperlinks to enable you to access a number of other websites by clicking on these hyperlinks we have provided. These third party websites are not subject to this Online Security Statement. We recommend that you read their privacy and security statements to understand how they deal with your personal information online.

This Online Security Statement operates from 4 August 2020.

Due to evolving technologies and types of functionality available on this website, we encourage you to review this Online Security Statement from time to time as it may be updated.

Contact us

If you have any questions relating to this online security statement, please contact us using the details set out in our Privacy Policy-Public.

If you need to provide documentation, we will let you know. To ensure a smooth application process, make sure you read up on how to supply documentation.


The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC) ensures applicants have their applications assessed fairly and consistently while providing tools for submission, preference management, and tracking. Applicants are responsible for following QTAC’s guidelines, providing accurate information, and meeting deadlines to avoid potential issues or forfeiture of their application. This summary outlines the key rights and responsibilities of applicants to promote a clear and transparent admissions process.

Applicants have the right to
  • Have their application assessed by QTAC fairly and consistently throughout all phases of the application, selection and offer process.
  • Use the QTAC online services to submit an application, change preferences, respond to offers, print an offer letter, check if satisfying entry requirements and track assessment progress.
  • Change, re-order, add or delete preferences within the defined period.
  • Request information via email, phone or front counter services, at any time during the application process, if appropriate identification is provided as the applicant or the authorised individual.
  • Receive notification from QTAC if the application was successful, provided their contact details are supplied correctly.
  • Seek access to personal information collected by QTAC, subject to relevant legislation such as privacy.
  • ATAR applicants have the right to have their ATAR calculated in accordance with the approved rules, policies, procedures and practices as contained in the document, “Calculating the ATAR in Queensland Technical Document” available on the QTAC website.
Applicants have a responsibility to
  • Use the QTAC website to ensure familiarity with a course and application requirements before submitting an application.
  • Follow all instructions before submitting an application and during the steps for completion of the application, selection and offer process.
  • Check regularly for correspondence sent from QTAC.
  • Provide information and documentary evidence, as prescribed, to support the application. Applications may not be processed without this information.
  • Be honest and supply accurate, timely and full information as part of the application process. QTAC may cancel an application (and fees paid will be forfeited), and institutions may withdraw any place offered and cancel an enrolment before or during a course, if information provided is incorrect, incomplete and/or misleading.
  • Acknowledge they may be excluded from applying to QTAC for a period of up to two years if the supporting documentation for an application has been falsified, altered or is not genuine.
  • Accept the consequences (ie forfeit any right to equal consideration) if, by any action, failure or omission on their part, QTAC is prevented from processing and assessing their application before the scheduled offer rounds. This includes not meeting the relevant deadlines and/or not paying the appropriate fees.
  • Supply QTAC with current and personal contact details (including address, email and telephone numbers).
  • Notify QTAC of incorrect or out-of-date information in an application.
  • Respond to any offer made, by the due date, or accept the consequences of not responding (ie losing the place offered and possibly not being considered in any future offer rounds).


I acknowledge that I have read, understood, and agree to be bound by the policies, terms and conditions set forth in the following:

  • QTAC’s Documentation Guidelines

  • QTAC’s Applicant Rights and Responsibilities

  • QTAC’s Privacy Policy

  • QTAC’s Refund Policy

Optional consents (please tick the box if you do not consent)

□ I do not consent to my ATAR or ATAR eligibility as determined by QTAC being shared with the school I attended in year 121.

I agree that:

  • I will not apply to an institution where I am under a current period of exclusion (or a similar restriction for reenrolment) without having first contacted that institution for advice about my eligibility for a tertiary place

    • I understand that an institution may rescind any offer made to me, without reason, prior to my final enrolment in the course

    • I acknowledge that QTAC may invite me to participate in a range of assessment activities (such as online tests, or written statements) to determine my suitability and competitiveness for particular courses, as directed by the institutions offering these courses. Whilst my participation in these activities is voluntary, my application may be negatively affected by failure to complete these assessments. I acknowledge that if I engage in any conduct designed to defeat the purpose of these assessments (such as being assisted by another person), QTAC may cancel my application and I will forfeit any fees paid.

I agree that QTAC may:

  • contact me to provide information about my application and other QTAC goods or services that may be relevant to me

    • disclose my personal information to institutions where I have applied for admission to enable those institutions to communicate with me directly about goods and services which may be relevant to me

    • disclose my personal information to the Queensland Department of Education and the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority

    • disclose my personal information to interstate or New Zealand admission centres to facilitate any application for admission I may have made interstate or in New Zealand

    • disclose my personal information to institutions participating in QTAC to which I may not have applied for admissions, to allow those institutions to perform analysis of application and enrolment patterns, and to conduct other research beneficial to that institution or the education sector

  • use my personal and sensitive information to perform analysis of application and enrolment patterns, and to conduct other research beneficial to QTAC or the education sector

    • store, use and disclose my personal and sensitive information to assess future applications that I may make through QTAC or to institutions that use QTAC as an admissions agent

    • disclose my sensitive information to institutions where I have applied for admission for purposes directly related to the purpose for which the sensitive information was collected by QTAC, including to enable communication with me about directly-related services

    • disclose my personal information to the extent necessary to investigate a reasonable suspicion that I have provided false, incorrect or misleading information to QTAC,

    • disclose my personal QTAC application and offer information, excluding my sensitive information, to my school (if I am a current Year 12) to enable the school to provide me with counselling services; and

    • otherwise collect, store, hold, use and disclose my personal information in keeping with QTAC’s Privacy Policy.

If QTAC finds that I have provided false, incorrect or misleading information related to my application, I agree that QTAC may:

• cancel my application, including forfeiture of all fees paid
• exclude me from lodging a QTAC application or accessing other QTAC services for a period of up to two years
• advise institutions where I have applied for admission that I have provided false, incorrect or misleading information to QTAC, which may result in the withdrawal of any tertiary offers made and other action as deemed appropriate by the institution, and
• advise other providers of entry to tertiary education in Australia (including higher education providers and tertiary admissions centres) that I have provided false, incorrect or misleading information to QTAC.

If QTAC finds that I have provided false, incorrect or misleading information related to my ATAR, I agree that QTAC may:

  • disclose my personal information to the extent necessary to investigate a reasonable suspicion that I have provided false, incorrect or misleading information to QTAC or a third party.

Further information:

QTAC may disclose individual ATARs, ATAR eligibility and aggregated (de-identified) ATARs as calculated by QTAC to the school you attended in year 12.

If you do not consent to QTAC disclosing your individual ATAR or ATAR eligibility to the school you attended in year 12, please opt out by selecting the tick box.

If you do not opt out, the school you attended in year 12 will be provided with your individual ATAR or ATAR eligibility. Irrespective of whether you opt out, your ATAR will form part of any aggregated (de-identified) ATAR results that may be provided to your school.

If you do not opt out when creating either your ATAR account or your QTAC application and later wish to exercise your option to opt-out, you may change your option in the ATAR portal on the ‘Your Details’ page, or use the ‘Manage Account’ option in the QTAC Application portal.

The QTAC commitment

QTAC is committed to providing an inclusive and accessible service for all users, including people with disabilities.

QTAC works within the principles of usability and universal design to deliver accessible web content for all users, including people with disabilities. Our website aims for a minimum of AA standard conformance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1). Some historical material may not be accessible.

Find out more about our Disability Services here

Contact us

If you have a disability and are having difficulties with the QTAC application process or accessing any of our services, please contact our Customer Experience team and we will assist you.

  • Phone 1300 467 822

    Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri 8:45am–4:30pm, Wed 9am–4:30pm (Brisbane time)

  • Email us using the online enquiry form and select “Accessibility” as the topic, or

  • Write to the Equity Unit, QTAC, PO Box 1331, Milton, Queensland, Australia


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