Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre


The Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) is the primary mechanism used across Australia for tertiary admissions. ATAR is expressed through numbers from 0.00 to 99.95, and indicates a student’s position relative to other students. 

Year 12 ATAR

Year 12 ATAR

Are you ATAR ready? Here is what you need to know when 
planning your tertiary education application. 


What is ATAR?

Across Australia, the ATAR
(Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) serves as the primary mechanism for tertiary admissions.​


The ATAR is scored on a 2000-point scale from 99.95 to 0.00 in 0.05 increments. Scores below 30 are reported as “30.00 or less.” 

 An ATAR of 80.00 means the student is in the top 20% of their Year 12 age group, not that they achieved 80%.

ATAR Release

When will I receive my ATAR?

Every year, QTAC release the ATAR across Queensland to eligible Year 12 students. 

The ATAR release date is 13 December 2024 

Have your full name, date of birth, LUI number, and personal email ready to set up your ATAR account.


Did you know

We’ve shared some of the most frequently asked ATAR questions to help you.


Only Queensland students  awarded an ATAR in the new QCE system from 2020 onwards need to create an ATAR account to access their ATARs.


QTAC has two portals – one for the ATAR and another to apply for tertiary study.

Students who wish to apply for tertiary study must create a QTAC Application and an ATAR Portal Account.


If you are ‘ATAR ineligible’ this means you have not yet qualified for an ATAR.

You can continue to study and accumulate QCE subjects and VET qualifications until you have enough to be eligible for your first ATAR to be calculated in a later year.

ATAR FActsheets

ATAR Factsheets

The below ATAR factsheets provide detailed information about the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR). 

ATAR Appeals

What if I'm not happy with my ATAR?

If you’re unhappy with your ATAR, you can request an ATAR Appeal. This process allows students to request a review of their (ATAR) if they believe there has been an error or unfairness in the calculation or allocation of their score. 

ATAR Verification

ATAR Verification

QTAC’s ATAR Verification service is designed to assist students, educational institutions and employers in assuring the validity of the ATAR results shared by a student when applying for courses, scholarships and jobs. 

A Student Holding A Binder
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